Sunday, November 16, 2008

Action not words (or i need to vent)

Of late I am having a hard time talking to some of my Christian friends. I would say that 80% or so of my conversations with my believing friends turn to politics, and I might add NEVER by my choice or my initiating it. I do not want to mix my Jesus with United States politics. It is so frustrating. It has gotten worse since the election has passed, (I had hoped that it would die down after the election but not so far). I love conversing about faith, worship, listening prayer experiences, answered prayers, mysteries of the bible, and life's problems that we deal with. I love trying to help each other through these things. My heart sinks when these conversations switch to politics. The focus turns to the problem instead of the answer.
I would not assume to be able to judge in any way as God judges. I do not know if God ranks sin in any order. I do not know if unjust wars, families in all parts of the world broken apart by pointless deaths, if oppression of people because of the color of their skin, if poverty increasing, human rights abuses, Guantanamo Bay holding alleged terrorists in inhumane conditions and countless other sins of the state rank higher or lower or the same as compared to the big one in the eyes of most Christians, abortion.
The arguments are endless and I think pointless. Abortion dropped significantly under the last pro-choice president. That is not an endorsement of him or a blast against his predecessor, or an endorsement of the current president elect or a blast or endorsement of the current president. There are so many factors involved in the reduction of this horrible practice. One is who we vote for, another is poverty levels, another is condom use, the big drop in abortion under the last pro-choice president occurred with a big increase in condom use. A big factor I believe could also be if those who hold this issue as the nearest and dearest and most important issue in their own heart would get active in the issue (besides voting). I also know that statistics can be manipulated to say whatever we want, and twist issues in any direction we want .
Saying that, here is a statistic. Around 2% of women between the age of 15-44 have an abortion each year. Close to half of them are on at least their second abortion. That leaves a large percentage of pro-life voters who may want to consider counseling the 2% either before or after the abortion occurs.
I would say from my own experience that pouring your heart and time into what your heart is passionate about is effective and rewarding and glorifies God. I am certain that would be more effective than making a grand pronouncement that you are pro-life or joining a facebook group where this proclamation is made in bigger numbers, more effective as well than a politician taking a position to garner votes and not helping the problem. God gave us our passions and our minds, to further His kingdom and to glorify Him, not to make grand and attention getting statements about how we feel and then to sit on the sidelines.
What if instead of conversation about fear of the future there would be conversations about triumphs through Jesus Christ in the now.

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