Friday, September 19, 2008

the point

Many are upset that he has fallen off the wagon, relapsed, he has let many down. He has let down people who have invested time and love and funds into him. The thing is, when I'm pissed, frustrated,lonely, or just plain uneasy, I react to those feelings too. Sometimes I over eat, sometimes I.....gasp..... drink more than i should..I think we are all addicted to something or another. I'm pretty sure that being drunk in public is a little more noticable than some of the other more personal and private sin addictions out there. You see, I don't think the drinking is the problem....It is just so visible...... I think I need to take away the knowing that he is "drinking again", and just look at the rest of the situation, and try to figure out, why is he sad, why is he afraid,why is he angry, and resistant to what we all know is better for him. He told me he feels that Jesus would hang in a garage full of addicts and not in a prayer room. He told me that Jesus's love is unconditional. He told me he feels like he has experienced a b.s. fake love, from some, not everyone, just from some..I think he feels that the place he has given big props to has changed while he was away, and in his mind it is no longer about loving on the "least of these", but about something else.......... There is more, i can't go there.........

My friend, in the midst of his addiction has not abandoned Jesus, in fact he is a witness to other addicts while with them. He feels that God honors that Christian witnessing even while he is under the influence. How can I argue with that? I cannot assume to know exactly anything.

I am in no position myself to point fingers or say who is right or who isn't. I certainly do not want any friends feelings hurt.. Heck I don't even know who might read this thing. I simply believe this and need to write it down. I know that my friend knows the same Jesus that I know in a personal way. I know that my friend is a sinner saved by grace, and that my friend like many of my friends has an addiction.

My part in this is simply to pray for the ministry that I love, pray for the people in the ministry and the people in the neighborhood in the homes and in the streets that I also love, and be an ear, and a shoulder for anyone who needs one..

God bless


Brad Klaver said...

well well well...look at what I found...

this was a great surprise to stumble upon. Joel I so believe you. I blelive Marvin had a real encounter with Jesus that has changed him. He still has healing that needs to be done...but most of us do...and it is a process and I am learning that and we all need to learn that. You hit it right on the mark. I'm sure in some way...Marv is upset with me as well...but all I am able to really do is love on him the best way I know that Jesus did. and that's all I can expect myself to do. I am looking forward to seeing him when I return...

and looking forward to seeing you...

can we grab a beer when I come home...I would like that very much...and keep now have at least one reader.

melodramaticnihilism said...

:) I couldn't have said it better Joel.